What is PlanMarketplace?

Our goal is to become the largest online library of Architectural, Engineering and Design drawings & details, with a wide selection of designs available for almost any application, and a vibrant and engaged community of buyers and sellers.

We feel there is a gaping hole in the industry for this service, and we need your help to fill it!

How can we help you:

Buy CAD files online

If you're working on a design project, why reinvent the wheel? Save yourself some time and find out whether someone has already created a design that works for your application.

  • Complete more projects in less time for less money,
  • Use other’s work as a starting point for your design,
  • Buy with confidence, knowing it's been built before,

View User Story/Case Study

Sell CAD files online

You may have a library of details and plans that you implement or use as a starting point frequently, we need you! Why not earn passive income selling those same designs on our site?

  • Implement our secure platform to sell your designs,
  • Expand your reach to include our growing user-base,
  • Build and develop a reputation for quality work,

View User Story/Case Study

File Types we buy and sell:







...and many more!

Seen Enough?

Why Join PlanMarketplace Now?

Start Earning Passive Income!!

PlanMarketplace is the most effective platform for selling architectural and engineering plans and assets. We have the industry expertise and financial investment to attract buyers to PlanMarketplace.

Access to free details!!

In order to access our growing collection of free details, you'll need to be a PlanMarketplace Member. Membership is Free, and as our collection grows, there will be an expanding assortment of free plans or CAD details available for download. Why wait?!

Ready to take advantage?

Seller User Story: Sam

people typing computer keyboard writing content

Samantha is a freelance architect.  She's got a large library of files she's created over the course of many projects. As a time saver, she is able to reuse many of these, and has cleaned them up to be a more effective template. She is young and dynamic, but needs a way to bolster her income.

That's where PlanMarketplace comes in! Samantha sells her details online, earning passive income again and again as her details are downloaded by other architects or designers. She brings clean, attractive design to the table, PlanMarketplace brings an audience, enhanced visibility, and a secure platform to sell from. It's a match made in heaven!




Ready to start selling?

Buyer User Story: Brad

people coffee tea break chat relax plants window light

Brad is a super-busy engineer. He works hard, and enjoys his job, but really doesn't like reinventing the wheel, and wasting time. He sees working on super simple details as a waste, because they don't require very much expertise to create, and someone with much less experience could easily put them together.

That's where PlanMarketplace comes in! We're collecting a massive collection of plans, details, drawings, etc. from all manner of projects, in just about every file type! Brad quickly implements details from PlanMarketplace, and moves on to the challenging work he's so good at, saving him time and money!


OUR file

Time savings!

Ready to start selling?

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Whether you're buying or selling, the way to get started is to create an account.
Why not get started right now?

Become a member today!

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